Tuesday, April 13, 2010

81. Go to an amusement park 4/10/10

I went to Hershey Park with a lady from church. It was a ton of fun!!
The lights are Hershey Kisses! You can't tell but they go silver then chocolate and some have a "paper" coming out of them that says 'HERSHEY'.

This is Fahrenheit. It goes 90 degrees up and 98 degrees down.
As soon as I get the picture from on the ride, I'll post it. Looking at this picture makes me sick!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

73. Randomly bake cookies for a friend 3/2010

Virginia has been wanting to make the Snowball Cookies (Mexican Wedding Cookies) I made at Christmas. She has the recipe but still hasn't made them... I decided to bake some for her! The Hartmans were out of town so I took the time to bake with nuts! I didn't try and because I know how good they are! :)

95. Make something at a ceramic shop 3/2010

Done! I'll post a pic after I give it to the person I made it for...
I went with Jayme to Color Me Mine. I really enjoy painting pottery! :)

Alright, I made a guacamole bowl for Laura. I gave it to her at her bachelorette party. I am officially done making comments about her leaving avocados on dishes.
I hope she enjoys it!